
Articles by Jeff Cohen

Commentary about Politics and Media (2015-present)
Commentary about Politics and Media (1996-2014)
Interviews with and articles about Jeff Cohen
Media Beat Columns (with Norman Solomon, 1992-1996)
Columns on Media (1986-1992)
Articles in Extra!, the magazine of FAIR
P.U.-litzer Prizes, the foulest media performances of the year
Investigative/feature articles

Commentary about Politics and Media (2015-present):

Journalism's Battle with Trump Chaos (Interview, 2/22/25)
State of the Media 2024 (Interview, 10/19/24)
Is Netanyahu's goal to drag the US into war with Iran? (Interview, 10/13/24)
Remembering TV Icon Phil Donahue: He Brought Antiwar Voices to the Airwaves Until MSNBC Fired Him (Democracy Now!, 8/20/24)
Harris is tying herself too closely to Biden on Gaza (8/19/24)
Phil Donahue Changed My Life—and Millions of Others (8/19/24)
Remembering Phil Donahue, who lost his last TV show for opposing the Iraq war (Interview, 8/19/24)
Why Josh Shapiro is Not the Right Choice for Harris VP (7/29/24)
Joe Steps Aside (Ralph Nader Radio Hour interview, 7/27/24)
An Attempt on Donald Trump's Life Should Be a Wake-up Call for Democrats (7/15/24)
After Biden's ABC Interview, It's Time to Pull the Emergency Cord (7/6/24)
After Disastrous Debate, Urgent Calls Grow for Biden to Step Aside (Interview, 7/3/24)
Magical Thinking About Biden May Not Save Us From Another Trump Presidency (1/11/24)
My Holiday Wish: Jon Stewart Runs for President (12/4/23)
Jon Stewart for president? (Interview, 12/3/23)
Team Biden Goes From Denial to Panic (11/27/23)
Democratic Establishment Seems Ready to Lose With Biden in 2024 (11/6/23)
That Other War: Open Letter About Ukraine to Progressives in Congress (10/16/23)
Progressives: Don't follow RFK Jr. down the rabbit hole (10/4/23)
The Climate March, Joe Biden and AOC's Dubious Endorsement (9/19/23)
Corporate Liberal Media Propaganda and Joe Biden (9/13/23)
Gov. DeSantis: You're a history grad. Tell me when systemic racism ended. (2/27/23)
The Increasingly Dangerous Myth of the ''Moderate Republican'' (1/13/23)
The Ghost of Eugene McCarthy Could Haunt Biden's Path to Renomination (12/14/22)
Why Progressives Don't Want Biden to Run Again (Interview, 12/8/22)
Ralph Nader's Urgent Appeal: Vote for Democrats (11/1/22)
Progressive Champions Needed to Destroy Republican Prospects in Midterms (8/29/22)
Why the Midterms Look So Bleak for Democrats: Joe Biden (7/26/22)
Looks Like Another 'Bad Blue' Corporate Democrat Just Bit the Dust (5/19/22)
What the CPC's Failure to Endorse Nina Turner Tells Us (4/27/22)
Censorship in America (5-min interview, 3/9/22)
So This Is What It Looks Like When Corporate Media Opposes a War (2/28/22)
The Fight for Student Debt Cancellation (Interview, 1/11/22)
New York Times Message to Progressives: Give Up On Challenging Corporate Power (11/10/21)
The Big Lie in Rahm Emanuel's Senate Testimony (10/21/21)
Corporate Media Myths About the Chaos on Capitol Hill (10/1/21)
Why Lindsey Graham Is Trying to Rescue Rahm Emanuel (9/20/21)
To Avert Failure, Biden Should Listen to the 'Radicals' (9/14/21)
'The Media Are an Arena for Struggle' (Interview, 8/19/21)
35 Years Later, Looking Back at the Founding of FAIR (7/23/21)
Media Propaganda Tells the World: America Is First (6/21/21)
It's Not Time to Be Giving Joe Biden an "A" Grade (5/10/21)
Media Evasions on Racism and the Role of Derek Chauvin (4/26/21)
The Liberal Contempt for Martin Luther King's Last Year (4/1/21)
The Cold War's Enduring Legacy in U.S. News Media (3/21/21)
Rahm Emanuel Is in the Running for a Top Ambassador Post. The Prospect Is Appalling. (3/11/21)
No Honeymoon for Biden? (Free Spech TV interview, 3/10/21)
How Rush Limbaugh Laid the Groundwork for Trump (Interview, 2/19/21)
No Honeymoon for Biden (The Analysis, 2/9/21)
President-Elect Biden: Time for YOU to Follow the Science (11/17/20)
"Which Opponent Do You Want in the White House?" (Interview, 11/1/20)
Earth to Presidential Debate Moderators: "I'm Burning Up" (9/24/20)
Rewrite That List of Debate Topics, Chris Wallace. And Put the Climate Crisis at No. 1. (Interview, 9/24/20)
Four Years Ago, We Warned That Trump Could Win. Now, We're Warning Again. (9/1/20, with Norman Solomon)
Democratic Leaders Have Blocked Real Healthcare Reform for Decades. Time to Give 'Em Hell. (7/28/20)
Politicians of Color Should Not Be Immune From Criticism (7/3/20)
Just Saying "Systemic Racism" Doesn't Expose Systemic Racism (6/17/20)
"My Misadventures in Corporate Media" (Interview, 5/12/20)
Socialists for Biden? The Power of Corporate Media (3/16/20)
How Biden Became the New Favorite Overnight and What Can Be Done About It (Interview, 3/11/20)
Did Chris Matthews Reveal That Democratic Establishment's Real Fear Is a Bernie Win? (3/3/20)
When CNN Introduces Bernie-Bashers Only as "Former," CNN Is Lying to You (2/13/20)
7 Pointed Questions for Corporate Media About Their Biases (1/20/20)
How Corporate Media Failed the Democratic Debate Again (Interview 1/15/20)
Warren vs. Buttigieg Clash Offers Contrast with Bernie's Consistency (12/10/19)
Can We Trust the Media? (Interview, 12/5/19)
Impeachment Hearings Overshadow Dem Debate (Interview, 11/21/19)
Filmmaker Jeff Cohen on His Latest Doc, 'The Corporate Coup' (Interview 10/19/19)
Will Joe Biden Be a Rerun of 2016 Tragedy? (9/23/19)
Media Coverage Still Biased Against Progressive Issues (Interview 9/18/19)
What George Carlin Taught Us About Media Propaganda by Omission (9/16/19)
Corporate Media Bias Against Bernie Sanders Is Structural, Not a Conspiracy (Interview 8/29/19)
Memo to Mainstream Journalists: Can the Phony Outrage; Bernie Is Right About Bias (8/16/19)
Corporate Coverage, 2020 Election and Rightwing Media Boom (Interview 7/19/19)
Inside 'The Corporate Coup D'Etat' That's Created a New Gilded Age (Interview 7/18/19)
Meet the 'Bad Blues': House Democrats Who Deserve to Be Primaried by Progressives (6/25/19)
'Stunning and Revealing': Democratic Leaders Demand Loyalty Oath (Interview 4/15/19)
Let's Not Whitewash or Mythologize Obama (3/23/19)
Deep Faith in the Deep State Gave Dems a Setback (Interview 3/21/19)
The Attack on Ilhan Omar and Pelosi's Unconditional Support for Israel (interview 3/18/19)
Trump and GOP Steeped in Corruption, as Corp. Dems Push Cold War Fever (interview, 3/17/19)
This Jew Tells Pelosi: You May Well Prove Ilhan Omar Correct (3/7/19)
WaPo Warns Dems That Progressive Policies Could Bring Them Many Victories (3/4/19)
The System's Falling Apart: Were the Dogmatic Marxists Right After All? (1/21/19)
Corporate Media Bias on 2020 Democratic Race Already in High Gear (1/14/19)
Are Progressives Reclaiming Power Within Democratic Party? (Interview 12/14/18)
Mainstream Media, Midterm Elections and the Democratic Party (Interview with Robert Scheer, KCRW, 11/16/18)
Few Democrats Offer Alternatives to War-Weary Voters (10/15/18)
Democratic Autopsy: One Year Later (10/11/18)
What Direction Will Democrats Choose? (Interview 8/16/18)
Democrats Gather in Chicago: Elite Party or Party of the People? (8/15/18)
The Media's Role in the Trump Regime (Interview 5/29/18)
In the Trenches for Truth: Looking Back on the Career of IC's Jeff Cohen (4/19/18)
Do U.S. Oligarchs Exist? Not in Mainstream Media (4/10/18)
Same Old Media Parade: Why Are Liberals Cheering? (3/26/18)
Edward S. Herman: Master of Dissent 1925-2017 (11/14/17)
Progressives Win on Election Day, Can They Win the Democratic Party? (Interview 11/8/17)
Roger Ailes: No One Did More to Debase US Politics (5/18/17)
Fake News, Trump, and Media Influences on 2016 Election (Interview, 4/8/17)
Media Critic Jeff Cohen Exposes the REAL Fake News (Interview 12/29/16)
Media's Role In the Election And During Trump's Presidency (Interview 11/14/16)
Dangerous Myths About Trump That Some Progressives Cling To (11/3/16)
The Fraud of the Commission on Presidential Debates (taped 8/18/16)
TV Networks Should Open Up the Presidential Debates (8/15/16)
Mainstream Media Continues to Fail the Public in DNC Reporting (Interview 7/27/16)
What Will Bernie Delegates Do in Philadelphia? (7/20/16)
Hillary's VP Choice Will Show If 'Unity' Talk Is Just Hot Air (7/18/16)
How Bernie Sanders Was Sabotaged By The Media (Interview, 7/10/16)
MSNBC Moving to the Right? (Interview 6/22/16)
Trump vs Mainstream TV and MSNBC Moving to the Right (Interview, 6/3/16)
Bernie Sanders and the Widening Political Spectrum (Interview, 5/24/16)
Has Mainstream Media Reached a New Low? (Interview 5/24/16)
Should Progressives Unify with the Democratic Party Establishment? Hell No! (5/19/16)
Ben Bagdikian Told the Truth and Stood Strong (5/1/16)
Reality Check for Democrats: Would Martin Luther King Be Supporting Bernie? (2/11/16)
Hillary Clinton Turns Stand-Up Comic: "I'm a Progressive Who Gets Things Done" (2/4/16)
Has Bernie Sanders Shifted the Domestic Debate? (Interview 11/17/15)
CNN's Double-Standards on Debates (10/9/15)
26,000 Petition Bernie Sanders to Tackle US Militarism (8/31/15)
Why is Sanders Silent on U.S. Foreign Policy? (Interview 8/27/15)
Bernie Trumped By Mainstream Media (8/18/15)
Memo to Media: Ask Trump If He's a 'Serial Racist' (7/4/15)

Commentary about Politics and Media (1996-2014):

Journalist Gary Webb Gets the Last Word in 'Kill the Messenger' (Interview, 10/10/14)
The Resurrection of Gary Webb: Will Hollywood Give Journalist Last Word Against CIA's Media Apologists? (10/6/14)
The Case of James Risen: Is Obama 'Greatest Enemy' of the Press? (8/14/14)
Hillary's Candid Motto for Democratic Party: 'Represent Banks' (7/14/14)
Noam Chomsky Continues to Inspire (12/16/13)
My Surprisingly Inspiring Trip to the West Bank: Echoes of Our Civil Rights Movement (8/27/13)
How Do You Know When President Obama is Lying? MSNBC Won't Tell You (7/7/13)
Snowden Coverage: If U.S. Mass Media Were State-Controlled, Would They Look Any Different? (6/26/13)
Trust Me: Political Spying + Computers = Big Brother (6/19/13)
Playing the Obama Bumper Sticker Game (6/6/13)
The Elephant in the Room: Militarism (4/9/13)
Ecuador Embassy Threatened After Aiding Julian Assange (9/4/12)
My Visit to a London Embassy Under Threat (8/19/12)
Progressive Election Strategy and the Norman Solomon Campaign (5/7/12)
Obama, Sarkozy and Taxing Wall Street (1/11/12)
Independent Media Fueling Rise in 'Occupy Wall Street' Attention (10/14/11)
Media and the Information Age (WSKG, 9/6/11)
Mainstream Reporters: Too Close to the Field to Get the Debt Story (7/30/11)
Obama is NOT Caving to Corporate Interests (7/24/11)
Will ABC News' ''Made in America'' Series Avoid Their Boss, Disney? (2/27/11)
Fear Extreme Islamists in the Arab World? Blame Washington (1/29/11)
A Time for Action -- Not Servility (1/18/11)
President NAFTA Backs President SHAFTA (12/11/10)
Colbert Annoys Press Corps... Again (9/25/10)
Christine O'Donnell and Me (9/15/10)
Colbert 1, U.S. State Department 0 (8/5/10)
WikiLeaks: Time To Celebrate, Time to Mourn (7/27/10)
Who Says Rightwing Comics Aren't Funny? (7/7/10)
Outsourcing War: I.F. Stone's Son on the Izzy Award to Jeremy Scahill (4/20/10)
We Won a Robust Public Option . . .on College Loans (3/27/10)
I Support Terry Nichols' Hunger Strike (2/20/10)
Progressives and the Democratic Party, Part 4 (Interview, 2/6/10)
Progressives and the Democratic Party, Part 2 (Interview, 2/3/10)
Progressives and the Democratic Party (Interview, 2/1/10)
New Year's Resolution: Don't Apologize for Democrats (12/28/09)
Get Ready for the Obama/GOP Alliance (11/25/09)
Limbaugh's Racist Rhetoric Coming Home to Roost (10/13/09)
The Mystique of ''Free-Market Guy'' Obama (9/24/09)
Don't Bum Me Out, Man, I'm Live Blogging Woodstock (8/11/09)
Are Liberal Netroots Groups Helping Obama Fail? (7/30/09)
Will Obama Move Supreme Court Rightward? (5/19/09)
I.F. Stone's Son Jeremy on the Izzy Award (4/2/09)
Will TV News Ever Apologize for Condit Hoax? (2/22/09)
Coming to NBC: ''To Catch a Cheney'' (2/17/09)
What Indy Media Heroes Can Teach Us (11/14/08)
Big Election Winner: Indy Media (11/5/08)
Studs Terkel: He'll Never Be Silenced (11/2/08)
Money, Media and the 2008 Election (10/30/08)
Josh Marshall on the Rise of Talking Points Memo and Independent Media (10/5/08)
Americans Move Left, New York Times Misses Its (7/27/08)
News Flash: Anchor Stands Against ''Unfair'' Campaign Spending (6/21/08)
Izzy Stone, Patron Saint of Bloggers (6/16/08)
McClellan and His Media Collaborators (5/30/08)
Military Propaganda Pushed Me Off TV (4/28/08)
40 Years Later, (The Late) Martin Luther King Still Silenced (4/4/08)
Iraq Winter Soldier Hearings: Victory for Independent Media (3/17/08)
Stepford Republicans: All Caught on Tape (2/1/08)
If Gore Were to Run, Could We Trust Him? (10/15/07, based on 2006 column)
Pundit Elite Enraptured by Hillary's ''Flawless Campaign'' (10/5/07)
Senate Clown Show (9/22/07)
Hillary Rolls On: Are Netroots a Paper Tiger? (9/4/07)
Keith Olbermann: Ask Democrats About... (8/7/07)
Are Media Out to Get John Edwards? (5/31/07)
Don't Think of a U.S. Soldier, Unarmed, Abandoned in Iraq's Civil War! (5/23/07)
Falwell and Me (5/16/07)
The Martin Luther King You Don't See on TV (4/4/07)
Jonah Golberg's Gambling Debt: Will Tribune Company Pay It? (2/7/07)
Will Healthcare Timidity Trip Up Hillary Clinton? (2/2/07)
Jim Webb's Democratic Response... to Hillary and Obama (1/24/07)
Can Indy Media Stop the Corporate Media's Hillary Bandwagon? (1/22/07)
TV Blowhard Barks at Iran: Let's Hold CNN Accountable (11/27/06)
How to Turn This Election Into a Progressive Mandate (10/27/06)
Let's Challenge TV's Lockout of Progressives (10/24/06)
Silenced by the Drums of War (10/3/06)
Is Olbermann on Thin Ice? (10/3/06)
''Devil'' in the Details: Chavez, Limbaugh and Hypocrisy on Name Calling (9/22/06)
''I'm Not a Leftist, But I Play One on TV'' (9/22/06)
Ann Coulter and Me (9/20/06)
Smoking Gun: Washington Post Hires Top Bush Speechwriter (9/14/06)
Sick Puppy Meets Media Beast (8/29/06)
Hillary Still Hiding on War; Time Warner Provides Cover (8/24/06)
TV News Vultures Circling JonBenet's Corpse—Again (8/18/06)
Lamont's Victory—A Media Defeat (8/9/06)
Being a TV Expert Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry (8/4/06)
Can Al Gore Be Trusted? (7/19/06)
Go To Venezuela, You Idiot! (7/6/06)
Hillary, Rupert and the Culture of Corruption (5/10/06)
I'm Tired of Bushes and Clintons (5/3/06)
Hillary, You're Not Listening (11/23/05)
Weaponsgate is a Media Scandal (10/24/05)
Buy Your Gas at Citgo: Join the BUY-cott! (5/16/05)
Schiavo Case: Media Pander to the Right (3/29/05)
R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter (12/13/04)
Anti-Terrorism Tip: Quit Spying on Nonviolent Activists (8/23/04)
A Global Perspective on Defeating Bush (8/10/04)
A Progressive Response to the Nader Campaign (5/7/04)
Liars Lose -- The Lessons of Regime Change in Spain (3/15/04)
Iowa, the Democrats and the Media (1/20/04)
Bush and Iraq: Mass Media, Mass Ignorance (12/1/03)
4 New Questions for This Year's Passover Dinner (4/2/03)
What Is A Terrorist? (5/1/02)
Internet Samizdat Releases Suppressed Voices, History (11/30/01)
"The Agency" on CBS: Right Time but Wrong Show (10/8/01)
Rule of Law vs. Rule of War: Are Media Missing the Lesson of Oklahoma City? (9/20/01)
Remembering the Last US Retaliation Against Terror (9/15/01)
The Return of Otto Reich: Will Government Propagandist Join Bush Administration? (6/8/01)
The Myth of the Media's Role in Vietnam (5/6/01)
Pitching Softballs: Why are Journalists Going Easy on Bush? (3/25/01)
Democrats, Clinton and the Marc Rich Scandal (3/11/01)
Allow Nader, Buchanan into Debates (9/28/00)
Why Not Open the Debates to Others? (9/24/00)
Ghost Of 1968 Haunts Presidential Campaign (8/13/00)
Limbaugh: A Color Man Who Has a Problem With Color? (6/7/00)
Nader Has The Numbers But Buchanan Has The Limelight (4/16/00)
Democrats Suffer From a Bad Case of Clintonism (4/9/00)
Mainstream News Coverage Of Economics: Elite Bias Rules (3/1/00)
John McCain and the Media: A Buss-Fest or a Bust? (2/24/00)
Gun Control, the NRA and the Second Amendment (2/1/00)
Media Coverage of Religion: An Overview (12/1/99)
Covering The Private Lives of Politicians (11/1/99)
In His Own Words: The History Book on Patrick Buchanan (10/3/99)
Racism and Mainstream Media (10/1/99)
Dissecting the Media Hype on Hillary (2/7/99)
Right-wing Bias in Talk TV (3/99)
Remembering The 1980s: The Press Slept While Reagan Rambled (2/7/99)
Media in Cruise Control in Wake of U.S. Bombings (Seth Ackerman & Jeff Cohen, 9/1/98)
Maybe the Public--Not the Press--Has A Leftist Bias (7/5/98)
The Stories Television Doesn't Tell (5/98)
Press Pursued Private, Not Public, Deception (2/15/98)
"Mr. Anchorman, Have You Ever Committed Adultery?" (2/8/98)
News Media in Hot Pursuit...Or in Heat? (2/1/98)
The Problem Isn't Brinkley, It's Corporate Sponsorship (1/25/98)
Hidden Culprit in Campaign Finance Scandal: The TV Industry (5/4/97)
From the Left: A Deafening Silence (3/30/97)
Filegate Can't Be Compared to Crimes of Watergate (7/3/96)

Interviews with and articles about Jeff Cohen:

Journalism's Battle with Trump Chaos (Interview, 2/22/25)
State of the Media 2024 (Interview, 10/19/24)
Is Netanyahu's goal to drag the US into war with Iran? (Interview, 10/13/24)
Remembering TV Icon Phil Donahue: He Brought Antiwar Voices to the Airwaves Until MSNBC Fired Him (Democracy Now!, 8/20/24)
Remembering Phil Donahue, who lost his last TV show for opposing the Iraq war (Interview, 8/19/24)
Joe Steps Aside (Ralph Nader Radio Hour interview, 7/27/24)
After Disastrous Debate, Urgent Calls Grow for Biden to Step Aside (Interview, 7/3/24)
Dems moving from denial to panic on Biden (Interview, 12/16/23)
Jon Stewart for president? (Interview, 12/3/23)
Why Progressives Don't Want Biden to Run Again (Interview, 12/8/22)
Censorship in America (5-min interview, 3/9/22)
The Fight for Student Debt Cancellation (Interview, 1/11/22)
My Life and Philosophies (InnerView with Gerry Fialka, 10/27/21)
'The Media Are an Arena for Struggle' (Interview, 8/19/21)
Jeff Cohen on FAIR's Beginnings (CounterSpin, 8/12/21)
No Honeymoon for Biden? (Free Spech TV interview, 3/10/21)
How Rush Limbaugh Laid the Groundwork for Trump (Interview, 2/19/21)
No Honeymoon for Biden (The Analysis, 2/9/21)
Progressives Not Impressed With Biden's Executive Orders: '3rd Obama Term Is Not Good Enough' (Interview, 1/29/21)
"Which Opponent Do You Want in the White House?" (Interview, 11/1/20)
Rewrite That List of Debate Topics, Chris Wallace. And Put the Climate Crisis at No. 1. (Interview, 9/24/20)
"My Misadventures in Corporate Media" (Interview, 5/12/20)
How Biden Became the New Favorite Overnight and What Can Be Done About It (Interview, 3/11/20)
How Corporate Media Failed the Democratic Debate Again (Interview 1/15/20)
Can We Trust the Media? (Interview, 12/5/19)
Impeachment Hearings Overshadow Dem Debate (Interview, 11/21/19)
Filmmaker Jeff Cohen on His Latest Doc, 'The Corporate Coup' (Interview 10/19/19)
Media Coverage Still Biased Against Progressive Issues (Interview, 9/18/19)
Corporate Media Bias Against Bernie Sanders Is Structural, Not a Conspiracy (Interview, 8/29/19)
Corporate Coverage, 2020 Election and Rightwing Media Boom (Interview, 7/19/19)
Inside 'The Corporate Coup D'Etat' That's Created a New Gilded Age (Interview, 7/18/19)
'Stunning and Revealing': Democratic Leaders Demand Loyalty Oath (Interview, 4/15/19)
Deep Faith in the Deep State Gave Dems a Setback (Interview, 3/21/19)
The Attack on Ilhan Omar and Pelosi's Unconditional Support for Israel (Interview, 3/18/19)
Trump and GOP Steeped in Corruption, as Corp. Dems Push Cold War Fever (Interview, 3/17/19)
Are Progressives Reclaiming Power Within Democratic Party? (Interview, 12/14/18)
Mainstream Media, Midterm Elections and the Democratic Party (Interview with Robert Scheer, KCRW, 11/16/18)
What Direction Will Democrats Choose? (Interview, 8/16/18)
The Media's Role in the Trump Regime (Interview, 5/29/18)
In the Trenches for Truth: Looking Back on the Career of IC's Jeff Cohen (Interview, 4/19/18)
The Doves Are Hawks and the Hawks Are Super-Hawks (CounterSpin, 4/5/18)
It's Because of Their Independence That They Can Get These Stories (CounterSpin, 12/20/17)
Progressives Win on Election Day, Can They Win the Democratic Party? (Interview, 11/8/17)
How I Met Roger Ailes, Political and Sexual Predator (Interview, 5/19/17)
Fake News, Trump, and Media Influences on 2016 Election (Interview, 4/8/17)
Media Critic Jeff Cohen Exposes the REAL Fake News (Interview, 12/29/16)
Media's Role In the Election And During Trump's Presidency (Interview, 11/14/16)
What Does Freedom of the Press Mean Anyway? (Interview, 11/4/16)
The Fraud of the Commission on Presidential Debates (Interview, taped 8/18/16)
Mainstream Media Continues to Fail the Public in DNC Reporting (Interview, 7/27/16)
What Will Bernie Delegates Do in Philadelphia? (Interview, 7/20/16)
How Bernie Sanders Was Sabotaged By The Media (Interview, 7/10/16)
MSNBC Moving to the Right? (Interview, 6/22/16)
Trump vs Mainstream TV and MSNBC Moving to the Right (Interview, 6/3/16)
Bernie Sanders and the Widening Political Spectrum (Interview, 5/24/16)
Has Mainstream Media Reached a New Low? (Interview, 5/24/16)
The Trump-Media-Industrial Complex (Interview, 2/17/16)
Has Bernie Sanders Shifted the Domestic Debate? (Interview, 11/17/15)
26,000 Petition Bernie Sanders to Tackle US Militarism (Interview, 8/31/15)
Why is Sanders Silent on U.S. Foreign Policy? (Interview, 8/27/15)
Bernie Trumped By Mainstream Media (Interview, 8/18/15)
Will Bernie Be the Beginning of a Revolution? (Interview, 6/2/15)
Journalist Gary Webb Gets the Last Word in 'Kill the Messenger' (Interview, 10/10/14)
The Case of James Risen: Is Obama 'Greatest Enemy' of the Press? (8/14/14)
The Fight for Freedom of Information (Interview, 7/22/14)
Public Broadcasters Relying More and More on Corporate Funding (Interview, 2/26/14)
Chronogram Interviews Media Critic Jeff Cohen on Corporate Media Bias and Israel/Palestine (11/25/13)
Beltway Corporate Media Elite Attack Fellow Journalists for Revealing Government Secrets (Between the Lines radio, 7/3/13)
Media and U.S. Militarism (Interview, 4/6/13)
Nobel Peace Prize to Bradley Manning? (Interview, 4/4/13)
Preaching to the Choir (Interview, 1/31/13)
NATO Strike Kills 8 Afghan Women --Media Wonders: Why Do They Hate Us? (Interview, 9/19/12)
New York Times Reporter Leaked Information to CIA (Interview, 8/31/12)
Why You Shouldn't Believe Everything You Read (Interview, 5/1/12)
Is the press free in the US? (Interview, 5/3/11)
Progressives and the Democratic Party, Part 4 (Interview, 2/6/10)
Progressives and the Democratic Party, Part 2 (Interview, 2/3/10)
Progressives and the Democratic Party (Interview, 2/1/10)
Local Luminary: FAIR Founder Jeff Cohen (Interview, 5/07)
Media Watchdog Aims to Expose Flaws of Cable News (Interview, 4/1/07)
Media Critic on Why It's Only Getting Worse (Interview, 3/23/07)
Cable News Confidential: Talk to Google employees, Santa Monica (Interview, 2/22/07)
FAIR Founder Jeff Cohen on his misadventures in corporate media (Democracy Now, 10/11/06)
Jeff Cohen in Conversation with Jimmy Tingle (9/28/06)
Cable News Confidential (Interview, 9/19/06) -- WATCH the related Crossfire video
Jeff Cohen: Optimistic about alternative media (Interview, 5/05)
The Case Against GE (Interview, 7-8/01)
A Watchdog's Bark and Bite (Interview, by Howard Rosenberg, 12/27/99)
Gulf War I: A Case Study in Media Coverage (Interview by David Barsamian, 2/91)
Jeff Cohen Uncovers Bias in American Media (Fresh Air, 8/30/90)
From NewsHour to Nightline: Experts Enforce the Party Line (Interview by David Barsamian, 1/90)
A Call to Media Activism (Interview, 1990)

Media Beat Columns (with Norman Solomon, nationally-syndicated, 1992-1996):

Prejudice That Kills: The Toll in AIDS (1/17/96)
Robert Parry: Investigative Journalism vs. Conventional Wisdom (1/10/96)
A Town's Fight Against Hate (12/13/95)
'Leftist' Pundits Veer Right (11/29/95)
We Interrupt This News Program...For An Apology (11/15/95)
Bill Bennett's Hypocrisy Is No Virtue (11/1/95)
PR for Dictators (10/25/95)
After 'Million Man March,' Still No Urban Policy (10/18/95)
'Big Business' Gets a Free Ride (10/11/95)
Columbus Day: Time to End the Myth (10/4/95)
MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour at 20: Hold the Cheers (9/27/95)
Jim Hightower: Radio Populist To Be Muzzled? (9/20/95)
Routine Somersaults of Self-Censorship (9/13/95)
Colin Powell: Don't Believe the Hype (9/6/95)
USA: Union-busting States of America (8/31/95)
Cig Smoke Made ABC/Disney Flinch (8/23/95)
It's Not Always White Hats vs. Black Hats (8/16/95)
Media Brass Keep Secrets for Bohemian Grove (8/9/95)
Prison Voices Often Muted (8/2/95)
Gingrich Off the Hook in Susan Smith Case? (7/26/95)
Press Critic George Seldes Leaves a Legacy of Courage (7/12/95)
Bombing on A-Bomb Coverage (7/5/95)
Love Boat: Politicians and Media Moguls (6/28/95)
Clarence Thomas: Affirmative Action Success Story (6/21/95)
Advertising: Cash Cow for TV Networks (6/14/95)
The Distant Stars of the Pundit Elite (6/7/95)
FBI Abuse: The Dossiers (5/10/95)
Colombia: Where Terrorism Rules (5/3/95)
Knee-Jerk Coverage of Bombing Should Not Be Forgotten (4/26/95)
Ellsberg's Heroism, McNamara's Cowardice (4/19/95)
Press Corps Out to Lunch on GOP Lie (4/12/95)
TV-Turnoff Week (4/5/95)
Guns, Ammo & Talk Radio (3/95)
Baseball Players Strike Out on Capitol Hill (3/15/95)
Save Public Television: Pull the Plug on PBS Bureaucrats (1/18/95)
Downpour of Media Cliches Threatens to Flood Nation (1/11/95)
The Martin Luther King You Don't See on TV (1/4/95)
A Tale Of Two Broadcasters (12/7/94)
Glimmers of History Improve Coverage of Native Americans (11/23/94)
Spotlight Finally Shines On White Hate Radio (11/3/94)
Talking Back To The Media: Break The Passivity Habit (10/29/94)
A Dud For The Dittoheads: Rush's Fact-Short Rebuttal (10/8/94)
Just Imagine: A Media Crusade Against Big-Money Politics (10/5/94)
Surprising Reasons for Violence on the Screen (9/28/94)
Jimmy Carter and Human Rights: Behind the Media Myth (9/21/94)
The Woodstock Story Never Told: Greenpeace vs. Pepsi (8/17/94)
Another Media Celebrity Charged With Murder (8/3/94)
30-Year Anniversary: Tonkin Gulf Lie Launched Vietnam War (7/27/94)
Tobacco Wars: The First Casualty Is Candor (7/20/94)
Limbaugh: Defending The Way Things Aren't (7/19/94)
News Flash: O.J. Simpson Is Not Robbing You and Your Children (7/13/94)
Founding Fathers Benefit From Media Gloss (7/6/94)
Help for Limbaugh (6/29/94)
''Middle Class'' Label Veils Fat-Cats Behind Democrats (6/15/94)
''Crime Time'' News Exploits Fears (6/8/94)
Who's Heard, and Who Isn't, on Public Radio? (5/25/94)
Fate of U.S. Broadcasting Virtually Sealed 60 Years Ago (5/4/94)
Press Tributes to Nixon Dishonor the Dead (4/27/94)
War on the Tube: So Close Yet So Far Away (4/20/94)
Ignore The Cheerleading; There's A Rat In GATT (4/13/94)
Whitewater: The Press Now Drowns in Story (3/30/94)
Tributes to Randy Shilts Ignored His Media Criticism (2/23/94)
Decoding the Rich Pundits: Who Do They Mean By ''We''? (2/16/94)
IMF and World Bank: Global Loan Sharks and the Media (2/9/94)
What To Do About Those Blaring TV Commercials (2/2/94)
Nuclear Guinea Pigs Since The First A-Bomb (1/15/94)
When Did 'Media Ethics' Become An Oxymoron? (12/11/93)
Clintons vs. Insurance Industry: A Media Myth (11/24/93)
Mass Media Cheerleading Slants Nafta Discussion (11/13/93)
Gore is Green. . .Like the Color of Money (11/3/93)
Haiti: Coverage Leaves Out Vital History (10/27/93)
Chile Coup--Media Coverage Still Evasive 20 Years Later (9/8/93)
Media to Immigrants: We Dim the Lamp for You (8/4/93)
Cosmo's Deadly Advice To Women About Aids (7/31/93)
''Free Trade'' vs. Free Press (7/21/93)
Human Rights and Media Wrongs (7/7/93)
Missiles Hit Iraq: History and Issues Ignored (6/30/93)
Orwell's Unhappy 90th Birthday (6/23/93)
15 Questions About ''The Liberal Media'' (6/9/93)
Media Elite Prods Clinton Toward Status Quo (6/2/93)
U.S. Press Ignores Israeli Prisoner (5/26/93)
Upton Sinclair, Media Critic behind ''The Jungle'' (5/22/93)
National Health Insurance: Time for a Real Debate (5/12/93)
Cesar Chavez Obits Bury Media Hypocrisy (5/5/93)
Forsaking The Cold Comfort Of The Closet (5/1/93)
Advice for Reading Between the Lines (3/10/93)
On Local TV News, if It Bleeds It (Still) Leads (2/3/93)
The Martin Luther King Not Seen On TV (1/16/93)
We Need Term Limits for Political Pundits (11/9/92)
Media Blind Spots in Campaign '92 (11/8/92)
What Voters Don't Know May Hurt Them (10/14/92)
Anti-Arab Bigotry Rampant In U.S. News (8/1/92)
A Tale of Two Terrorists: Theirs vs. Ours (4/8/92)

Columns on Media (1986-1992):

The Culture of Lying (12/16/91)
Can the Press Cover the Old Boys Club That Owns It? (11/26/91)
Unreliable Review? (3/91)
Hypocrisy on Terrorism: The Case of Luis Posada (1/9/89)
What We Call "The Left" is a Timid Distortion (8/24/86)

Articles in Extra!, the magazine of FAIR:

Report from Porto Alegre: Is Another Media World Possible? (5-6/02)
CNN's "Tailwind" and Selective Media Retractions (Extra!Update, 8/1998)
The "Hush Rush" Hoax (11-12/94)
Are All Yeltsin Critics ''Hard-Line'' -- Or Is That Just the U.S. Media's Party Line? (1-2/94)
Rev. Wildmon Bites the Burger (1-2/91)
Television's Political Spectrum (7-8/90)
TV's Imposters: Television's Political Spectrum (5/90)
The "Objective" Reporter's Lexicon: We, Us, Our (1-2/90)
How Television Sold the Panama Invasion (1-2/90, with Mark Cook)
Censored News: Drug Links of Panama's New Rulers (1/90)
Propaganda from the Middle of the Road: The Centrist Ideology of the News Media (10-11/89)
Media Put Reagan Spin on Arias Plan (8/87)
The Media's Cold War Bias (7/87)
What's FAIR? (6/87)

P.U.-litzer Prizes, the ''foulest media performances of the year''
(as judged by Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen):

Announcing the P.U.-litzer Prizes for 2008
Announcing the P.U.-litzer Prizes for 2007
Announcing the P.U.-litzer Prizes for 2006
The P.U.-litzer Prizes for 2005
The P.U.-litzer Prizes for 2004
Announcing the P.U.-Litzer Prizes for 2003
Announcing the P.U.-Litzer Prizes For 2002
Announcing the P.U.-Litzer Prizes for 2001
The P.U.-Litzer Prizes For 2000
The Last P.U.-litzer Prizes of the 20th Century
And Now, The P.U.-litzer Prizes for 1998
Announcing the P.U.-litzer Prizes for 1997
Announcing the P.U.-litzer Prizes for 1995
Announcing the P.U.-litzer Prizes for 1994

Investigative/feature articles:

Big Fat Lies: Limbaugh's Reign of Error (Mother Jones, May 1995)
A Constitutional Ban On Off-Key Singing (The Realist, Winter 1994)
Off With Their Heads (Mother Jones, June 1985)
Did Lee Harvey Oswald Drop Acid? (Rolling Stone, 3/3/83, with Martin Lee & Robert Ranftel)
A Man He Calls Raoul (New Times magazine, 4/1/77, with David Lifton)
Was Fred Hampton Executed? (The Nation, 12/25/76, with Jeff Gottlieb)

Cable News Confidential
My Misadventures in Corporate Media

Wizards of Media Oz
Behind the Curtain of Mainstream News
w/Norman Solomon
Common Courage Press

The Way Things Aren't
Rush Limbaugh's Reign of Error
w/Steve Rendall et al, New Press

Through the Media Looking Glass
Decoding Bias and Blather in the News
w/Norman Solomon
Common Courage Press

Adventures in Medialand
Behind the News, Beyond the Pundits
w/Norman Solomon
Common Courage Press